Social Security Pension And Retirement Benefits - Origin & Development
Virendra Jadhavrao0,
Publish Date/ Year : April 5, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Social Science | Other Book Detail
Publish Date/ Year : April 5, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Social Science | Other Book Detail
The concept of welfare state though new, however the idea social security is definitely
has roots in the ancient history. The concept of providing security, safety and
undertaking various welfare measures for protection of the deprived, depressed and
physically challenged persons is not new. Since ancient period this idea was being
rightly practiced in different forms. The clans, tribes, families and even many kings have
introduced different measures and systems to protect the depressed and economically
deprived sections of the society. It was rightly presumed that the poor and socially
challenged sections of the society including the backwards require a special attention
and assistance, this was considered as the moral and social responsibility of the King and
the Rulers, similarly the clan leaders, heads of the family or group were expected to look
after the well being and protect the interest of such classes. This idea continued since
time immemorial and has been provided with religious, ethical and moral foundation,
this ethical and moral foundation ultimately resulted in protecting many socially
challenged classes in appropriate manner during historical period.
Publication date
April 5, 2022
April 5, 2022
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