Quality Assurance And Quality Control In Civil Engineering A Practical Guide With Numerical Examples

Quality Assurance And Quality Control In Civil Engineering A Practical Guide With Numerical Examples

Authors: V.V.N Prabhakara Rao Ph.D,
Publish Date/ Year : 2024 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Engineering | Other Book Detail

The need for a text/reference book on Quality Management in Civil Engineering comprehending a wide range of topics such as Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA & QC), Total Quality Management (TQM), ISO 9000 as well as International standards, third party certification, quality manual & quality teams, quality assurance & improvement techniques, sampling & inspection, application of Statistical Quality Control (SQC) methods for achieving quality in the field of Civil Engineering and forensic/failure analysis is long felt by both Civil Engineering professionals & faculty and the student community. This book is intended to fill this gap. Data has been taken from various sources such as reference books, websites, AI tools and Indian as well as American, British, German and Japanese codes in the preparation of this text book and without these sources it would have been impossible to comprehend the subject to this scale. and due reference is made to the authors in the text and illustrations.

389 pages

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V.V.N Prabhakara Rao Ph.D

V.V.N Prabhakara Rao Ph.D

The author has a PHD in Civil Engineering and 6 patents A recognized Geotechnical Engineer, he has over 34 years’ experience, most of it in academics. He received training in Quality systems while working in Marti group. A global Geotechnical Eng giant located at Bern, Switzerland. He led the implementation of quality systems in the industry and led ISO certification at Vishwatmak Omgurudev College of Engineering, Mohili, Maharashtra, Velagapudi Rama Krishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. He draws on his experience for writing this unique treatise.