Practical Book of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Dr. Amit G.Nerkar,
Mrs. Shubhangi Thopate-Kalokhe,
Mrs. Deepali Gaikwad,
Publish Date/ Year : | Format: Paperback | Genre : Human Anatomy | Other Book Detail
Publish Date/ Year : | Format: Paperback | Genre : Human Anatomy | Other Book Detail
It is with great pleasure that the “First Edition” of this book is released, dedicated
to B. Pharm students, professors and for the teaching Institutions and first and
foremost the Pharmacy profession. This book was compiled in accordance with
the requirements of the training course “Practical Book of Human Anatomy and
Physiology” First year (semester I and II). It is as per the program regulations
and course work prescribed by the Pharmaceutical Council of India and useful
for the Allied Health Sciences. The main goal of this book is to provide students
with comprehensive information on topics in simple and clear language.
The main features of the book are as follows:
It covers requirement for the course work of Human Anatomy and
Physiology for Semester I and II of First year Bachelor of Pharmacy course
(B. Pharm) Course Regulations laid down by Pharmacy Council of India”
and for Allied Health Sciences.
The language in this book is simple and clear.
Best representation and correlation of Theory and its application to the
practical or laboratory point of view has been explained and illustrated.
Hope this book will be useful for students and faculty and quick lessons for
practical know-how in Human Anatomy and Physiology.
Publication date
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