Perception Mutual Fund

Perception Mutual Fund

Authors: Dr. Shrinivas R. Patil,
Publish Date/ Year : April 14, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Finance | Other Book Detail

The thesis titled “An Analytical study on investors' preference towards investment in mutual fund with reference to Bijapur city”. Mutual Fund is always a safer mode of investment as it diversifies the risk, whereas investment in stock market and bank deposits are not good since they have high risk and low interest respectively. This study is an attempt to understand and analyze the investors' preferred savings, their perception, fund qualities and other related information of MF. As a part of this thesis I have collected the details regarding the performance of mutual fund for last 3 years, investor's preference in investments, etc. using questionnaire method. Thus it is analyzed by using statistical tools such as Chi Squares, Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, testing Hypotheses. I have chosen Bijapur city as the area of the study. The required data is collected through survey method i.e., primary method and secondary method using books, magazines, periodicals etc.


Publication date

April 14, 2022


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Dr. Shrinivas R. Patil

Dr. Shrinivas R. Patil

Dr. Shrinivas R. Patil is Professor and Director at the Institute of Excellence in Management Science - IEMS B-School Hubli. He did his PG in Management and Commerce with a Doctoral Degree in Management. He has been honoured D.Litt from South America University. He has been teaching MBA course for the last 20 years and also carrying out research activities in various areas of management & Economics. Dr. Patil has authored 56 research publications in national and international journals including UGC Care, ABDC, and Scopus on various issues relating to stock market, foreign exchange market particularly with a global perspective. He has presented 46 papers in National & International conferences and received awards for his best papers. His articles on various topics on national and international concerns are published in newspapers and magazines. He is being invited as Subject Expert from All India Radio, FM Radio and TV Channels on certain occasions. He is being invited as Resource Person for Faculty Development Workshops, Refresher Courses, Seminars, Conferences and Student Empowerment Programs of various Universities and Colleges. He is being invited as Soft Skill Trainer in many Colleges. Dr. Patil is also a recipient of Rashtriya Shikhak Ratna and Best Teacher Awards. He served as professor in various locations like Vijayapur Hyderabad, Bangalore and Calicut. Dr. Patil is Research Supervisor (Guide) in VTU Belgaum and Karpagam University. He is serving as Chief Editor, Associate Editor and Reviewer for many Peer-Reviewed, National and International Journals. Dr. Patil's research interests are focused on international financial management, security market, with special focus on Indian & International Economy.