Motor Relearning Program Adjunct To Functional Stimulation On Functional Mobility And Quality Of Life In Sub-Acute Stoke Rehabilitation

Motor Relearning Program Adjunct To Functional Stimulation On Functional Mobility And Quality Of Life In Sub-Acute Stoke Rehabilitation

Authors: Dr. Sanika Balpande, Dr. Irshad Qureshi,
Format: Paperback | Genre : Engineering | Other Book Detail

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines “stroke as a disorder characterised by rapidly increasing signs and symptoms of a localised brain lesion that lasts longer than 24 hours or leads to death, with no evident causes apart from vascular origin” (1). When a blood artery in the brain ruptures and bleeds, or when the brain's blood supply is cut off, a stroke occurs. The obstruction or rupture stops blood and oxygen from reaching the brain's tissues. Brain cells and tissue are damaged and begin to die within minutes of being deprived of oxygen. Stroke symptoms manifest in the bodily parts controlled by the affected regions of the brain. Among the signs of a stroke are paralysis, numbness or weakness arm, face and leg especially one side of the body, slurred speech, trouble walking, loss of balance and coordination, sudden or severe headache with unknown cause. It requires immediate medical attention to prevent further brain damage, long term disability and death.

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Dr. Sanika Balpande

Dr. Sanika Balpande

MPT, Department of Neuro Physiotherapy, Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, DMIMS (DU), Sawangi Meghe, WARDHA

Dr. Irshad Qureshi

Dr. Irshad Qureshi

Professor, Department of Neuro Physiotherapy, Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, DMIMS (DU), Sawangi Meghe, WARDHA