Fungi From Campus

Fungi From Campus

Authors: Borde Mahesh, Kshirsagar Yogesh,
Publish Date/ Year : April 8, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

Fungi is third largest group in eukaryotic organisms, after plants and animal. Fungi grow similar to plants in soil and not move like animals but are not phototrophs because not capable of photosynthesise themselves. The general life cycle of fungi consists of two phases, asexual and sexual phase. Asexual phase having spores, germinate to form thread like structure called as hyphae, hyphae grow, and form branched structure called mycelium, mycelium grow vegetatively and form again asexual spores. In sexual phase, the monokaryotic mycelium fuse and form heterokaryotic stage, leads to various group of fungi formed fruitbody and form sexual spores, sexual spore germinates and form mycelium


Publication date

April 8, 2022


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Borde Mahesh

Borde Mahesh

Kshirsagar Yogesh

Kshirsagar Yogesh