Advancements In Optical Fiber Technology And Applications

Advancements In Optical Fiber Technology And Applications

Authors: Dr. Vivekanand Mishra, Dr. Rashmi,
Publish Date/ Year : 2024 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Sciences, Technology & Medicine | Other Book Detail

Field of optical fiber technology has undergone remarkable growth and transformation since its inception. Today, it stands as a cornerstone of modern communication systems, revolutionizing industries and impacting our daily lives in myriad ways. Book entitled 'Advancements in Optical Fiber Technology and Applications,' is a comprehensive guide that delves into both the fundamental principles and the cutting-edge advancements in this dynamic field. Herein we lay the groundwork by exploring the basic concepts, types, and properties of optical fibers. We further explore the science of measurement and covers the various techniques and tools used to measure and analyze the properties of light and optical systems, emphasizing their importance in ensuring precision and accuracy in various applications. We focalized on the innovative use of optical fibers in sensing applications. The backbone of modern communication infrastructure is discussed in-depth look at the architecture, components, and technologies that make up optical networks. We included the field of metrology with a deeper focus on advanced techniques and recent developments.

164 pages

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 Dr. Vivekanand Mishra

Dr. Vivekanand Mishra

Dr. Vivekanand Mishra, received Ph.D. degree in Op cal Communica on Systems from IIT, BHU. He has since, team of researchers, collabora ng with MMU, UTAR, E Science Malaysia, focusing on designing and fabrica on of specialty op cal fiber for communica ons and sensors. His research team has accumula vely a racted grants close to Rs.10 million from E Science Malaysia, DST and DRDO India. He has more than twenty-three years of experience in educa on, research, and student mentorship at a na onal and interna onal level. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow member of IETE, member of IPS. Resul ng from these research endeavours, Dr. Vivekanand Mishra has published more than hundred papers in peer reviewed journals and published /presented more than ninety conference papers, published 03 book, granted three patents with one copyright and he has delivered projects for pres gious funding agencies across the world as lead inves gator like E. Science MOSTY Government of Malaysia, DST and DRDO India. The output from these projects leads to improvement in transmission bandwidth, allowing greater broadband experience, measure varia ons in an external perturba on. Mishra is also working with many Malaysian Universi es as collaborator in collabora ve projects. At present Dr. Mishra working in Department of Science Alliance University Bangalore India, as Professor. Dr. Mishra was ac ve member and secretary of High-Speed Broadband Network (HSBN) and Chairman of Op cal Communica on Group (OGC) at Mul media University and UTAR Malaysia. Dr. Mishra’s research interests include op cal fiber communica ons, optoelectronics devices, nonlinear op cs, op cal sensors, op cal amplifier, antenna and metamaterials.

 Dr. Rashmi

Dr. Rashmi

Dr. Rashmi earned her Ph.D. in 'Spectroscopic Study of Op cally Ac ve Y rium Aluminium Garnet-based Nanomaterials' from the Na onal Ins tute of Technology (NIT), Kurukshetra. She served as a Senior Project Fellow (SPF) at the Na onal Physical Laboratory (NPL) in New Delhi, where she contributed to the 'Novel Op cally Pumped Cesium Fountain (NOVOCEF)' project. Subsequently, Dr. Rashmi joined NIT Kurukshetra as a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on a Science and Engineering Research Board Department of Science and Technology (SERB-DST) project tled 'Synthesis of Novel Random Laser Materials for Advanced Photonic Applica ons'. She holds an M.Tech. degree in Applied Op cs from the Indian Ins tute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, and an M.Sc. degree in Electronics from St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi. Dr. Rashmi has a robust background in educa on, research, and student mentorship and teaches a range of subjects at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, primarily focusing on Physics and Applied Op cs. She has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed interna onal and na onal journals, presented at various conferences, and authored a book. Her research contribu ons have also led to the gran ng of two patents. Dr. Rashmi has been honoured with three best oral presenta on awards and one best poster presenta on award. Currently, Dr. Rashmi is assistant professor in the Department of Science at Alliance University, Bangalore, India. She has been awarded with seed grant for her project tled 'Synthesis of Ultrafine YAG Phosphors and Composites for WLED Applica ons'. Dr. Rashmi areas of exper se include nanophosphors, laser spectroscopy, photonics, and optoelectronic devices.