Immersive Virtual Reality-based Rehabilitation on Function and Quality of Life in Distal Radius Fracture
Dr. Tasneem Burhan,
Dr. Waqar Naqvi,
Publish Date/ Year : April 21, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Medical Science | Other Book Detail
Publish Date/ Year : April 21, 2022 | Format: Paperback | Genre : Medical Science | Other Book Detail
Distal radius fractures (DRF) are among the most prevalent fractures
encountered in clinical settings, accounting for 17% of all fractures (1).
The majority of wrist fractures occur due to a fall on the outstretched
hand with the wrist in dorsiflexion. The type and extent of a distal
radius fracture, as well as any concurrent damage to the wrist's
ligamentous structures, are all determined by the position of the wrist
as it hits the ground. The fracture's location is influenced by the
breadth of this angle. Supination, pronation, and abduction determine
the amount of force and tension of the carpus, as well as the varied
appearances of ligament injuries. This mixed distal radius and ulnar
fractures are taken into consideration as a complication due to the fact
they can drastically disrupt the congruency and/or balance of the
distal radial ulnar joint, restrict forearm rotation and hand positioning,
and may put off the patient's rehabilitation process, which may also
result in residual incapacity. Epidemiologic research has stated an
excessive prevalence in white populations, usually in patients elder
than 60 years (2). Among this age group, it's the second most frequent
fracture, after fractures of the hip with nearly four instances greater
injuries in ladies than men. However, in the Indian population, there is
a shifting tendency in the age group, with complex fractures occurring
more frequently in the young age group as a result of RTA and trauma,
particularly with intra-articular extension and comminution. The
necessity of alignment rectification, maintenance of natural radial
lengths, and restoration of radiocarpal and radio-ulnar joint
congruency has been highlighted in recent years.
Publication date
April 21, 2022
April 21, 2022
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