Biochar Utilization Strategies for Biomethanation and Environment

Biochar Utilization Strategies for Biomethanation and Environment

Authors: Er. Maga Ram Patel, Dr. N. L. Panwar,
Publish Date/ Year : | Format: Paperback | Genre : Agriculture | Other Book Detail

Biochar is emerging as the sustainable and low cost catalyst to enhance biogas production, hence application of plant derived biochar (PBC) in anaerobic digestion of cattle dung could save energy, reduce CO2 emissions, and be an effective waste management method. Addition of biochar as a catalyst not only increases methane content but has several other advantages like managing surplus crop residues, replacing inorganic fertilizers and reducing GWP. Further increase in energy content in biogas wil... ll also contribute in reducing the cost required during enriching biogas. The Indian government is also promoting a use of BioCH4 for the transport sector with the aim of diversifying and decarbonizing natural gas, but the huge amount of energy is required for enriching biogas in terms of methane. Hence, measures are required to use this surplus biomass for fulfilling the growing energy needs of country is needed. This research will help policymakers make appropriate decisions to fill the critical gap in bioenergy sector while enriching the environment  Read More

125 pages

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Er. Maga Ram Patel

Er. Maga Ram Patel

Er. Maga Ram Patel, born in September 1994, is presently a research scholar in the Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur. He is presently working on bioenergy. He is completed his B.Tech. (Agri. Engg.) and an M.Tech. (Renewable Energy Engineering) Hons. From the Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology in Udaipur. He attends a number of workshops, seminars, and training programmes at national as well as international levels on nonconventional energy sources, biofuels, agriculture etc. He has published several research papers in international journals. He is also engaged in many social activities aimed at uplifting rural people.

Dr. N. L. Panwar

Dr. N. L. Panwar

Dr. N. L. Panwar